Post Con Follow Up

June 22, 2009

A quick note for MetroCon attendees that were present at our panel (Breaking Into Comics for Print of Web). During our discussions, a few documents and samples were mentioned as well as details on particular stores where certain art products can be purchased. Links to all the aforementioned will be posted on this page within the couple of days proceeding the con. Sorry for any delay in posting.

Thank you all for attending our panel at MetroCon, we have the information we shared with the attendees was helpful and informative. We hope to see you all again at future events, but until then we will be working on new material to present for our next con-tour.

Character Profile Questionnaire [link]

This sample character profile questionnaire, mentioned during our panel at MetroCon, presents a series of questions about a character's personality and traits. Although not all of the details answered will reveal themselves in the story, they will help in the writing process and allow the writer to better understand the character allowing the story to take on more of a life of its own.

Sam Flax Art & Design Store [link]

Sam Flax was the art supplies store discussed during the panel. Their store is located in Orlando (click here for directions) and carries a full line of many of the tools and supplies that were mentioned during the panel.

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